NON-Emergency # Police and Fire
Phone : 325-673-8311
Phone : 325-673-8331
City of Abilene also enforces codes that homeowners need to be aware of, for more information. The link below will take you to City of Abilene enforcement web site .
Phone : 325-676-6241
Schedule pickup by calling ( 325-676-6053 )
In Heritage Parks - bulky items can be placed by curb day of scheduled up (ONLY).
The link below will take you to City of Abilene for more information.
Trash Container replacement ( 325-676-6053 )
Any street repairs or issues
call the city of Abilene street services at,
Phone : 325-676-6045
Sec. 29-38. - Duty of abutting property owner to repair and maintain sidewalks, sidewalk amenities, landscaping, driveways and curbs.
The link below will take you to City of Abilene Code Ordinances document.